We ensure the highest quality of exclusive content, making sure the product communication strategy is in line with the image and marketing strategy of our clients.
Exclusive texts + SEO + according to Goggle’s newest algorithms. For the client’s open platforms – website or application + closed– website or application with access given to a select group of users.
Electronic + mobile for the client’s platforms – website or application + closed – website or application with access given to a select group of users. Interactive pdfs with a page turning effect + search engine + dedicated features.
Optimalization of the client’s existing websites + SEO + content marketing + continuous online management in accordance with Google’s newest algorithms.
Audits of websites and communication + clear activity reports + interpretation of analytical data based on which realistic forecasts can be made.
Comprehensive planning of communication – Facebook + Instagram + Pinterest, YouTube + Tik Tok + Twitter, integrated with the content marketing strategy.
Creation of ideas + realization + reporting on campaigns involving competitions and the brand image that are related to the influencers and opinion leaders, responsible for the brand’s personality.
Comprehensive promotion + forecasting of effects + content analysis in accordance with the strategy and effectiveness assumptions.
Activities aimed at increasing the traffic and engagement in a website which, in turn, creates valuable sales leads.
A comprehensive project: service + blog platform + landing page + e-book + forum + blog + development + hosting + administration. As well as a refresh + relaunch of the client’s existing platform, along with data migration.